Contact Me

If you don't mind and if I don't too, please and feel free to send me your ideas, thoughts, feelings and EVEN constructive criticism via 'Post a comment' section--you can choose any posts you want! Preferrably the newest ones. Don't bother with my email address; I don't check them and they are exploding with junk mails so I don't even want to come near them!
That's all, thank you. In the meantime, I gotta go and catch you later, next time!

Update: I guess I need an email address after all, so if you really had any very, VERY long thoughts where the comments sections do not have enough space for you, feel free to email me at Please complete your emails with a subject line!

Now, a real, ending, THANK YOU!


  1. Hey! I spotted the comment you left on my blog on the "Are You New Here" page... I love it that you're enjoying my blog! :D And don't worry too much about followers and numbers - everyone starts with no followers, remember. So you also asked for pointers... which is quite flattering, to be honest! Haha. But I thought it might be nice for you if I gave you some tips anyway.

    First of all, I love your blog! One of the best things I think a blogger can do is let their thoughts and personality shine through their posts - and you're doing a great job of that. Don't worry too much about numbers - followers, page counts, etc - and just produce awesome posts about stuff you love! Don't be afraid to do something different just because no one else is doing it. One thing I would suggest, however, is changing the colours of your blog layout. White on black is really hard on the eyes, and I find that just plain black and white is the way to go, even if it might be boring. :D White background and black text looks classy and it really brightens up the layout.

    I wish you the best in all your writing and blogging!

    If you want to chat more, you can e-mail me at kazuntai101[at]gmail[dot]com!


    1. Thanks Gracie!

      Anyways, I've been looking into the template, but is a bit busy right now...

    2. No problem! And the updated layout looks great! :D

    3. Awww.that's sweet! Hope you keep enjoying my blog...Love your's!


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