Thursday, 22 September 2011

A Second Chance. For me.

I've, again, violated my strict code.
But I simply must write this. I have absolutely no idea why the hell I wrote a post last night. Not to mention, a crappy and nonsensical one. Probably because it was midnight the time I wrote it. Since when had I become so 'alienated' from staying up late at night?
This post is inspired by Fluorish in Progress (yet again; I hope you don't mind that I 'steal' your idea--my bad), AND, another new blogger that I'd noticed at Fluorish in Progress 'Disqus' section--Tabitha.
I'm not going to write about my Joe...(because its going to take me a long time to write, and time is running out for me!Yes, I happened to have a time restriction in writing this posts)...but, I'm going to thank them for opening my eyes and thus gave me some reassurance.

I've come to a point where I'm at a crossroad of my life; suffice to say, I'm kind of worried that I'm making a wrong decision. It didn't help when I'd to read about a book(school syllabus) of a young boy who had make a wrong decision, and he ended up greying and dissatisfied. ( though, this is not the point of reading that book. I think.)
I'm SCARED. Especially when I'm uncertain of what to do with my life; my parents make it a point to decide for me. Come to think of it, even if I do have an idea, I suspect it might not be 'agreeable' to them. When the hell had it become so hard to choose? I used to be able to choose McD over KFCor vice versa according to my eating mood, etc. Now, I don't even know what my options are. I'm afraid, I would mess up my life by taking a wrong step, but I don't know if my parents idea is good after all, for me.

Then, a miracle happened. Both Fluorish in Progress and Tabitha chose this exact momet, correctly, to reveal their stories. In a way, they ARE my Joes. I might still not know what I want, but, at least I'm reassured that, no matter what, everyone DOES have a second chance. I might still be worried, but at least not trapped in a paralysing fear.

You guys, are wonderful. Thank you, guys!


  1. This reminds me of a something I recently heard-

    "You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

    You should trust yourself. Everything will be just fine.

  2. Thank you yet again.
    You REALLY are my Joe. =)

  3. I'm glad you're inspired by Elizabeth...she's an amazing woman. Even her comment here is perfect!


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