Monday 25 June 2012


So Disney Pixar is releasing the new animation 'Brave'.

These couple of months has been extremely hectic for me. It was overwhelming. New experiences. New life. And everything just happened so fast.

It was also a year that I first heard 'Angel'. (Yea, I know...I've been way out of today's modern world.)
"Spend all your time waiting            For a break that would make it okay.
            For that second chance,

            There's always some reason
            To feel not good enough,
            And it's hard, at the end of the day."
It was hard. I felt overwhelmed. Bewildered. I wished time would stop. For a moment. And I still do now.
And when the ad for the animation came onto the television, offering free passes to Hollywood for the premiere, to those who wrote the most impressive 100 word essay of the meaning of brave.
And it got me thinking.
Perhaps I just have to be brave enough to handle the pressure. Brave enough to be independent. Brave enough to say I'm good enough. That brave isn't about having no fear, but having the fear and overcoming it.
And brave enough to confess in my blog. ;D


  1. i say "get drinking, have fun and look fear in the face"

    1. Bravo! Spoken with true courage! I'm really glad to have known you! Thanks! :)


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